Monday, 3 September 2012

Account Description................ (LIVE)

Hey Guys!
I am giving away an account that isn't poor and that has no stuff! It is a girl and you COULD win it! Want to know how? Either enter on here or youtube. You'll need a blogger account for here or a youtube account for youtube. There is a video already on youtube, look up my channel, gigi willow. It should be on there. On here you can win by posting your email and a reason why you deserve the account or a video about it, just post the link (in comments on this post). I will email you the username and password if you win.
Thank You and good luck!
~gigi11567 (secretbuilders name: willowsmithh)
youtube channel name: gigi willow 
Here is a vid!


Wassup Guys?
Okay well here are the names of the quests! You get rewarded an item of some sort and 4000 silver coins. 
Wisdom and courage
The Tum Tum
King Lear
Rescue Jim Hawkins
Find the Nautilus
The telescope
Cleopatra's Costume
Sherlock Holmes
They are all easy and the wizard gives you hints, also they is a map that shows you where to go and where you are. Enjoy also I will be posting video's of people doing walkthroughs, so I don't own unless I say I do!

That Is Style! *Secret Builders*

Hiya Guys,
I have a new outfit on Secret Builders that I think IS style! Hope you like it and feel free to copy. (:
~gigi11567 (secret builders name: willowsmithh)

Hiya! Here are the names of all the servers:Carbon, Valency, Octave, Swatch,Treble, Canvas,